Bouquet of orange roses

50,00 470,00 

A bouquet of orange roses, arranged in a simple form, is a true classic that never goes out of style. This elegant and refined bouquet exudes purity and simplicity, perfectly fitting into any space and occasion. Orange roses, symbols of passion and enthusiasm, bring a touch of warmth, making this bouquet ideal for lovers of minimalism.

The roses are carefully wrapped in fine silk papers and additionally enveloped in natural paper for the protection of the flowers. Each bouquet is adorned with a satin ribbon. Along with the flowers, a personalized card with your message is included. This detail makes each bouquet a unique gift, perfect for birthdays, anniversaries, or simply as a gesture of appreciation.

If you want to ensure that specific flowers are available on your desired day, we recommend ordering up to 5 days in advance. Our flowers come from global markets, from the Netherlands to Ecuador, which allows us to provide the highest quality and freshness. Thank you for your understanding when placing your order!